Patricia Hammond
Patricia Hammond, mezzo-soprano, was born in British Columbia, moving to England in 2000. The Telegraph has described her voice as "soft" "cushioned" and "caressing", while the Times called her "a leading lady of the vintage party scene," which label she strenuously denies. She has performed opera in the Wexford Festival, at the foot of the Acropolis in Athens, oratorio solos with the OAE in the Royal Festival Hall and concert halls throughout Europe, but she is most fond of giving recitals, giving these throughout the world: in the Beauharnais mansion in Paris, the Bundestag and Kaisertag in Berlin, the Houses of Parliament in London, a host of stately homes, festivals and museums.
Her recordings have been played on BBC Radio 2, 3 and 4 and she has appeared on BBC Four TV a number of times, and is also seen and heard singing in the Fox Searchlight film "Tolkien". While Patricia performs everything from Renaissance music (CD: "In Mirth and Mourning") to modern premieres, the specialism she is known for is the research and authentic performance of late Victorian to 1920s popular song. She was invited by Dame Emma Kirkby to perform in Voces8's "Live from London" in 2021, and Patricia's book and accompanying CD on female parlour-song composers, "She Wrote the Songs" has been featured on Women's Hour and BBC Music Magazine. She has a thriving youtube channel she'd love you to visit, at www.youtube.com/patriciahammondsongs